
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Episode 264: Crocs and Cows
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
We got a lot of great stuff for Christmas including the fascinating New England Volunteers Post Card
#1. Now that's a great way to send holiday greetings. In the box is the ASL March Madness Players Pack from our firends at Kansas City ASL. We take a look at some of the great sceanrios included therein. We have been playing the scenarios from Operation Watchtower and have a discussion of the first three turns of HS11 The Sand Spit here on the show. It's a night game. Neat-o. We are still learning how to do a video show and edit it into a quality audio podcast, so please be patient with us. Feel free to send us some constructive advice and kindly give some ideas for improvement. The show links include some pictures from Listener Pim, and an article on the 101st on Hells Highway. There was not enough time to cover them in this episode, so we will cover them in the next show and leave the links in here so you can have a preview now.
0:02 Song OBA
13:00 New England Volunteers Post Card #1.
41:00 What Have You Been Playing Lately?
1:13:55 Total Running Time
Pim's Photos
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Episode 263: OBA Analysis With Rich
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Rich Spilky joins us in the Broadcast Foxhole. He presents his analysis in the fine tradition of Bob Medrow's mathematical analysis of various aspects of the game we love, Advanced Squad Leader, that appeared in the old General Magazine from Avalon Hill. Special shout out to Chris Edwards for his work on the OBA analysis charts.
1:00 Banter
6:15 Contest Winner Announced and Some Call Ins
12:30 What Have You Been Playin' Lately?
24:20 What's in the Box? And What We Got For Christmas.
1:04:03 Total Running Time

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Episode 262: LC Not Elsie
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Hope you enjoy the wonderful opening song by with lyrics by Chris Gammon and sung by The 2 Half Squads Singers. The lyrics are printed below. Some great ASLer's chime in like Alan Hume and Scott Mullins through the magic of voicemail. And that gave us the idea for our next contest.
We finish out the show with part one of an in depth look at the Landing Craft Rules from chapter G.
1:00 Banter
2:00 Greetings and Chit Chat
19:00 Contest Announced
24:00 The Rules
1:13:58 Total Running Time

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Episode 261: NOVA? No, NOBA!
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
1:00 Banter
10:25 Long Awaited Letters
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design , Kansas City ASL and kind donations from listeners like you

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Episode 260: Heard of Elk
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Dave recounts his vacation to The Great Smoky Mountains, The Shawnee National Forest and Belmont University during the intro talk, while Jeff recounts his recent Sword of Rome game. In the Box is the Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2. This expansion includes the new Chinese, some new Japanese, and the first overlays for SK Advanced Squad Leader players. Two boards, eight scenarios, and some new weapons make it an interesting addition indeed. What we have been playin' lately is HS10 Chesty's Turn from MMP's Operation Watchtower (we apologize for forgetting we are recording for an audio podcast and not referring to hex numbers enough). We finish up with another look in the box at Swedish Volunteers original and Mult-man Publishing versions.
1:00 Banter
12:12 What's in the Box?
29:00 What Have You Been Playing Lately?
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 259: Stupendous Stew
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
We welcome Stephen Stewart of VASLING with Stew fame. Stephen provides a fascinating listen as he discusses the variety of videos that he produces. They are legion, they are good, and you should check them out on his Youtube channel.
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you