
Thursday May 14, 2020
Episode 247: Curse Skype, Love VASL
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Well, Skype seems to make Dave's voice sound like he is on a telephone. Which, we guess, he technically is. In the box is Adam Lunney's wonderful book "We Together". Give it a read. We recount our playing of AP 118 Wise's War on VASL of course. And then we thought it would be fun to explore the controls on Virtual Advanced Squad Leader live on the air. We thought it would be fun but you may think otherwise after you have a listen.
1:00 Banter
12:45 What's in the Box?
21:00 What We've Been Playing Lately!
30:00 VASL Explored
1:00:43 Total Running Time

Friday May 08, 2020
Episode 246: Back to the Family
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Here is a show produced entirely in the Kleinschmidt household. We cover a bunch of back logged letters, dating back to February. Shame on us for being so delinquent. But at least here they are now and they are read by our guests Aaron and Laura Kleinschmidt. Did we ever mention that "Operation Schmidt" should have been called "Operation Kleinschmidt"?
In the digital box is the newest issue of Banzai from the Texas ASL gang and it is full of the usual tactics, reviews, and great opinions that we have come to expect from them. Please pardon Dave's sniffles. We couldn't edit them all out.
3:00 Letters
32:00 What's in the Box?
100:02 Total Running Time
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Episode 245: The German Scene with Kris
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
The promised show about ASL in Germany is here. We have a few letters then we jump right in with the delightful and knowledgeable Kris Koch, joining us in the broadcast remote foxhole for a great interview. Mike Ryzy returns also to help us along. Enjoy!
1:00 Brief Chat
3:00 Letters
25:30 Interview with Kris
1:02:20 Total Running Time
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Episode 244: Here We Go A Vasling!
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Hey, really short write up for this show., It truly is, almost, well practically, 100% or so, dedicated to the Greatest Game in the World, Advanced Squad Leader. We have our knowledgeable, loyal and true friend, Mike Ryzy on hand to help us explain our rookie foray into Virtual Advanced Squad Leader, otherwise known as VASL. Did you win the British counters from Broken Ground Design? Listen to find out.
1:00 Banter Then on With the Show
50:00 The Brentrance Drawing
1:00:45 Total Running Time

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Episode 243: Chia Head
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Lock down continues. The Skype recording is a little sketchy on Dave's end but acceptable. Since we recorded this show the ASL Open has canceled as have most of our tournaments. The Texas ASL tourney is still on as of now. It is not scheduled to happen for several months yet. We open the most excellent New England Volunteers Pack as well as an interesting gift from Dennis. Subsequent First Fire is the topic of our rules section today, and we are joined by a special quest for said segment.
1:00 Banter
12:15 New England Volunteers Scenario Pack
33:00 Quiz Show: The Rules
56:14 Total Running Time

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Episode 242: RitterKrieg Live!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
The enthusiasm of Derek Ritter is contagious and it makes for a wonderful interview even though Jeff and Dave were not in the broadcast foxhole together for the first time. Skype seems to suffice as Derek calls in to tell us all about the gaming stuff happening in North Carolina area, the tournament there, and all the new products that have hit the ASL market lately. There is a lot to hear here so have a listen. Let Derek's fire get you fired up for some Advanced Squad Leader play during your Coronavirus lock down!
1:01:11 Total Running Time
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Ritterkrieg, Bounding Fire Productions, Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you