
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode 330: Spooktacular Spectacle
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
It's a Halloween Special that includes very few chills and thrills, but banter, AFV segment and an after action report on ON-6 Sweeping West from Bounding Fire Productions.
Attacking German SS with powder blue eyes,
Somebody calls you, your Sargent is screaming,
“It's our movement phase, so get going guys”
The Germans in bunkers are firing at you,
Bullets go flying right over you're head,
Look for the chance to fire your rifle,
And they're gone...
OBA from the sky obliterates them....
Your movement phase begins, you run to the buildings,
While German Defensive First Fire flies over your head.
Your opponent smiles, as his mortar shot hits you
But your morale is so incredibly high.....
More of your squads, appear on the shoreline,
Assault moving toward the VP.
The Germans are climbing to the top of a nearby building,
Then they're gone.......
OBA from the sky obliterates them.......
Picture a wall with an AFV hull down,
It's gun barrel pointed directly at you,
Suddenly your saved as your opponent rolls boxcars,
He's Malf'ed is MA and recalled his tank...then.
OBA from the sky obliterates them.....
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you.

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Episode 329: La Brea Le Franc
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
We know you want to get a look at Dave's Tar Pit Diorama(sculpted by the great Sean Cooper and molded at The Alchemy Works), so here it is! Since we didn't have time last show to dig into the insides of Le Franc Tireur #15, we now take the time to get into the articles therein. Oui, Oui, we, promised that we would not speak in French accents for the show but Jeff manages to make a French gutteral noise in the first moments of the segment. After that, we follow through on our promise. However, our pronunciations of our many fellow ASL players names clearly needs some work. Our apologies. If you haven't found them yet we have a look and a link to Scott's Eagle Has Landed Scenarios. We highly recommend you read the post. It is entertaining and certainly quality stuff.
Scott's Eagle Has Landed Scenario's
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you.

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Episode 328: Lumberjacks and Le Franc Fifteens
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Le Franc Tireur has put out another gem. Le Franc Tireur #15 featuring some fantastic maps from Steve Swan and Tom Repetti. We take a look at these fun boards as well as the new Arid/Desert rules. Minarets on Mosques, can you believe it? Before we get to that information we read some letters from our beloved listeners, we cover the British rules in the nationality section of the Advanced Squad Leader rulebook, and banter about Dave's favorite toy soldiers, Britain's Swoppet Knights.
00:01 ASL Lumberjack Song with Lyrics by Randolph King; Sung by The 2 Half-Squad Singers (originally appeared in Episode 54)
I play ASL and that's OK.
I play all night and I play all day
I move my troops, I rally well, I fire my panzerfausts
When opponents get too cocky, I bombard them to heck!
I rally well, I shoot big guns, I blitz my tanks alot
and if there's too much open, I lay the smoke I've got
I shoot big guns, MG's get rate, And often just for fun
I'll play in Frenchmen's clothing, and surrender on turn one!
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Episode 327: Sunny Adam Lunney
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
It is an honor to have the illustrious, bright and optimistic Adam Lunney appear on the show all the way from Canberra, Australia. Yes, this is THE Adam Lunney who authored the books We Together and Ready to Strike. Once again you can see from his credentials that we are unworthy to have Adam on this lowly podcast. In spite of that he agreed to discuss his books, his gaming background, and most importantly, his love for the greatest game in the world; Advanced Squad Leader.
00:01 ASL Favorite Things with Lyrics by Dennis Donovan; Sung by The 2 Half-Squad Singers (originally appeared in Episode 56
Flame-throwing Cromwells and AA on Panzers
Living the chaos that Sniper checks bring
These are a few of those ASL things
Chapters and chapters of tables and rules
The ultimate wargame goes way beyond kewl
Just like those fighters with bombs under wing
And reading to see what those SSRs bring
Rural or Urban, cross streets in quick dashes
When playing night rules remember gun flashes
Winter offensives that last throughout spring
These are a few of those ASL things
When my squad break
When my luck stinks
When I’m rolling bad
I simply remember those ASL things
And then I don’t feel so bad

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Episode 326: Running Through the Jungle with Jim
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Jim Aikens returns and shares his thoughts on printing scenario packs and playtesting in general. We open with a blast from the past. The Run Through the Jungle song from good ol' Episode 53.
00:01 (Don't) Run Through the Jungle Song with Lyrics by Dennis Donovan; Sung by The 2 Half-Squad Singers
Whoa, heard it was a nightmare, LOL!, It’s all so true
They told me, “Fear the PTO!”, ‘cause the Japs are on the loose.
Better not CX in the jungle, Better not advance into jungle
Better not stray in the jungle, Why? You’ll get ambushed, ya see
Thought I heard grumblin’, Playin’ a night rules game
200Yankee guns are loaded, The sgt. cries: “Take aim!”
Over in hex G10, Sgt. Schmutz he spoke:
“Let the privates know my wisdom, Fill the hex with smoke.”

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Episode 325: Breaking in the Grain with Jim Aikens
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
It is a pleasure to present a look at the SoCal gamers lives, through an interview with the charismatic and wise Jim Aikens. This discussion is so thorough, that we will present it in two parts. In part one we learn about Jim's gaming background and how very well organized this club is, with players who are "pretty far out there" in the wide open spaces of the large state of California, having a set of regional directors. Kleinschmidt can relate to this club because it has Field Trips. They travelled to the Jaques Littlefield AFV Collection, and the USS Iowa. Wow. There are no surfing safari's with these Californians.
00:01 Breaking in the Grain Song with Lyrics by Martin Marquis; Sung by The 2 Half-Squad Singers
We're pinning in the grain, Just breaking in the grain
What a glorious feeling, we rally again
We're laughing at guns, so big on the hill
The Sarge's in our hex, and we're ready to charge
Let the green half-squad chase, the H-I-P from the place
Come on with the wave, we have smoke on the way
We run down the plain, in the enemy firelane
Just pinnin' and breakin' in the grain.